lisa Gillbe on a sofa

Style Stories Podcast

A few weeks ago I was interviewed by the lovely Lisa Gillbe, for her Style Stories Podcast. This was released yesterday and you can listen via the way you usually get your podcasts or you can watch it on YouTube here. I chatted to Lisa to get the lowdown on the podcast, which has been as high as no 7 in the UK charts (above the Vogue podcast which is a massive achievement!
So tell me  bit about your podcast?
I started the Style Stories Podcast in a cafe in 2019. My friend said "you should do a podcast sharing all you knowledge about personal style" I said "don't be ridiculous" and then she literally got an app up on her phone and forced me to record an episode right there and then! Honestly, I don't think I'd ever have done it if it hadn't been for her. 
If you listen to the first episodes they are super bad. Just me randomly chatting with my mates, you can hear coffee cups clanging and the roar of coffee machines. All very unprofessional and raw but it's good to know how far you've come. 
There was a bit of a hiatus in the middle with Covid but since then it's had 110,000 downloads, reached no.7 in the UK charts above Vogue and The Business of Fashion and regularly carts around the world. 
 Who have you interviewed? Do you have a fave episode?
The first big guest I had on was Busbee Style - a huge fashion influencer in America. More recently I interviewed the gorgeous Shakaila Forbes-Bell, the renowned fashion psychologist. She is amazing and has so much science/psychology-backed info about style and fashion. What you choose to wear has a deeper impact that you think, it's a huge part of our identity and how we interact with the world, how we show up and really impacts how we feel about ourselves too. I think this is one of my favourite ever episodes. 
Who would be your dream podcast guest?
My dream guest would be Kafren Brit-Chick, a British style influencer based in New York. I love her take on style and how she articulates it and I think she'd have great chat. Also, I'd love to speak to Kate Moss - so stylish, such an icon.
What's coming up next?
I want to keep collaborating with female founders and influencers because I feel inspired by fellow business owners and love hearing about their own style journeys. We are actually all very similar when it comes to style, our desires and our insecurities, holding onto clothes we don't wear anymore and probably never will again, worrying about how we look. It's all part of being human and it's comforting to know we are so similar in that way.
The main thing about style is it is joyful - in a world that can often be so dark, there is pure joy to be had in dressing up and that's why it's good for the soul. 
As well as The Style Stories podcast, you can find Lisa on Instagram @lisgillbestylist and her website is where she offers a range of styling services.